Registration & Admission
Generally, applications for admission are accepted only at the time when registration is on. No admission is entertained without formal interview test. Generally, the standard prescribed for the test is that of one class below for which the admission is being sought. The test will be held in all the main subjects. The aim of the test is to judge the calibre or the aptitude of the student and admission will take place only after the student has qualified this test.
The registration forms are attached with the prospectus, copies of which will be available from the school main office.
The School year comprises of three terms, commencing from April.
(i) Ist Term - April-May
(ii) IInd Term - July-December
(iii) IIIrd Term - Jan-March
No admission form will be considerd until all requirements (Birth Certificate, T.C., Mark sheet etc) are fully met.
The School Authorities do not bind themselves to furnish any reason for rejecting any application/admission from.
The Institution reserves the right to dicide4 the Class in which the pupil will be placed on admission.
Students coming form other school will not be admitted unless his/her transfer certificate is provide. A child seeking admission must provide a Birth Certificate. No student less than 3 years of age will be admitted.
Transfer Certificate
- Transfer Certificate requires a prior notice of three months. Full year’s fee shall be charged if the students is withdrawn/TC claimed in mid-session.
- No Transfer Certificate will be issued before all dues are cleared.
- T.C. will be issued after 10 days of submission of withdrawal form.